Featured Products!

Here at Tail Wags & Labbie Licks we strive to use only the highest quality products...things we would feel comfortable giving to our own 'furkids'...in fact, all our products are tested & given the 'paws up' by our own pets before we offer them on our website!

We are always on the lookout for new, creative, durable, & eco-friendly products...check back often for new items added to our products list!!

NEW! Cozy Cat Beds!

These adorable cat beds are carefully (and locally!) handmade with care for your feline friend! Each bed comes with a cute 'pouncing pillow' and small bag of organic catnip that can be sprinkled inside the bed to entice your feline even more! 
Different colours available...can buy seperate or bed can be included as part of a custom gift set.
$15 each

Colours available

NEW! Handmade Dog Beds!

These awesome dog beds are locally made & have been given the 'paws of approval' by our number one tester Echo. These beds feature a modern design cover that unzips for easy washing. A variety of different designs/sizes available! 
Small/medium beds- $45
Large beds- $65
Custom sizes- please email for a price estimate!


NEW! Henna Hemp Pet Collars!

These beautiful collars are also locally made & feature handpainted beads, in a variety of designs. Great for the eco-concious pet!

Small (6-10") $12   Medium (10-15") $15     Large (15-20") $20  Extra large/custom sizes are also available upon request!


NEW! Belly Bands!

Belly bands are a usefull tool to help with male dogs who 'mark' or urinate in the house. Also helpful with older incontinent dogs. More info coming soon...

NEW! Dazzling Doggie Designs

By Pearls N Paws Canine Couture! Adorable tutus for any occasion! These stunning handmade tutus are perfect for adding a little sparkle & bling to your pups wardrobe!
More info coming soon!